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Feeding Fat To Manage Muscle Disorders
Stephanie Valberg, Erica McKenzie
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota

Exertional rhabdomyolysis has been recognized in horses for more than 100 years as a syndrome of muscle pain and cramping associated with exercise. In the last ten to twelve years, research advances have provided greater insight into this syndrome. Of greatest importance is the realization that exertional rhabdomyolysis comprises several myopathies that, despite similarities in clinical presentation, differ considerably in regards to pathogenesis (cellular events, reactions, and other pathologic mechanisms occurring in the development of disease). Tying-up is a common disorder in Thoroughbred racehorses. During the 1995 racing season, 1000 Thoroughbreds at Canterbury Park were evaluated. Five percent of the horses exhibited signs of tying-up during the season. Of the two- and threeyear-old horses that presented with tying-up, 15% could not be raced at all that season. Interestingly, if the horses that experienced tying-up could race, there was no difference between their performances and those of matched control horses. Exertional rhabdomyolysis continues to be a performance-limiting or careerending disorder for many equine athletes. Advances in the management of horses with exertional rhabdomyolysis, particularly in the way they are fed, have significantly reduced the impact of the disorder.

I nostri prodotti
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Farine di riso
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate, assenza d’impurità
Farine integrali
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate
Crusca di riso stabilizzata
crusca di riso senza glutine
Amido di riso
senza glutine, alta viscosità, sapore e colore neutro
Olio di riso
profilo sensoriale neutro, alto punto di fumo
Bevande vegetali
senza glutine, senza lattosio, senza proteine del latte vaccino
Polvere di riso
senza glutine, senza lattosio, solubile
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