Farina di riso

Valutazione dell’utilizzo della farina di riso nel gelato di vaniglia
Cody TL, Olabi A, Pettingell AG, Tong PS, Walker JH.
Food Science and Nutrition Department, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo 93407, USA

The effects f varying concentrations (2, 4, and 6%) of 2 types of rice flours (RF 1 and RF 2) on the physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics of vanilla ice cream samples were assessed at different fat levels (0, 4, and 10%) and storage conditions (control vs. heat-shocked). Fat and total solids were measured as well as hardness, viscosity, and melting rate. Eight trained panelists conducted descriptive sensory analyses of the samples at 0 and 7 wk. The 2% rice flour level and to a certain extent the 4% usage level generally improved texture while affecting to a lesser extent the flavor characteristics of the samples compared with the control. The RF 2 generally had a more significant effect than RF 1, especially on the texture attributes. Although the rice flour reduced the negative impact of temperature abuse on textural properties, the samples still deteriorated in textural properties (more icy) under temperature abuse conditions. In addition, rice starch does lower perceived sweetness and can have a "flour flavor" at high usage levels. The use of rice flour appears to be most advantageous for low fat ice cream samples.

J Dairy Sci. 2007 Oct;90(10):4575-85

I nostri prodotti
Interpretiamo il riso come ingrediente, valorizziamo tutti i componenti e ci poniamo come interlocutore privilegiato nel business to business.
Farine di riso
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate, assenza d’impurità
Farine integrali
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate
Crusca di riso stabilizzata
crusca di riso senza glutine
Amido di riso
senza glutine, alta viscosità, sapore e colore neutro
Olio di riso
profilo sensoriale neutro, alto punto di fumo
Bevande vegetali
senza glutine, senza lattosio, senza proteine del latte vaccino
Polvere di riso
senza glutine, senza lattosio, solubile
Soffiati e Tostati
La soffiatura e la tostatura sono entrambi processi naturali che non impiegano additivi.
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