Farina di riso

Farina di riso estrusa come potenziale sostituta del glutine nel pane di riso
Clerici MT, El-Dash AA.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimentos Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos, Campinas, SP, Brasil.

Research regarding the production of gluten-free bread (GFB) is very important nutritionally, technically and economically speaking, both to celiac patients and to developing countries who import wheat. The main technological problem in the production of GFB is obtaining a gluten substitute that is both inexpensive and capable of retaining gas during bread fermentation and baking. The use of gelatinized starch as an alternative for gluten seems promising. In this project, rice bread was made using pregelatinized extruded rice flour as a gluten substitute. Pre-gelatinized rice flours (PRF) were manufactured in a single screw Brabender extruder, varying extrusion temperature (108-192 degrees C) and the moisture of the raw material (19.2 - 24.8%), and were used in a proportion of 10 g for every 100 g of raw rice flour, in the production of gluten-free bread. Results showed that rice flour extruded at a high temperature (180 degrees) and low moisture content (20%), rendered bread with the best technological characteristics, presenting crust and crumb color similar to those of conventional wheat bread, although with volume and texture not as satisfactory in the same comparison.

Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2006 Sep;56(3):288-94.

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Farine di riso
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate, assenza d’impurità
Farine integrali
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate
Crusca di riso stabilizzata
crusca di riso senza glutine
Amido di riso
senza glutine, alta viscosità, sapore e colore neutro
Olio di riso
profilo sensoriale neutro, alto punto di fumo
Bevande vegetali
senza glutine, senza lattosio, senza proteine del latte vaccino
Polvere di riso
senza glutine, senza lattosio, solubile
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