Amido di riso

Proprietà funzionali degli amidi di riso : effetti sulle caratteristiche dell’impasto e sulla qualità della cottura.
R. Shyama Prasad Rao, R. Sai Manohar and G. Muralikrishna
Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, Karnataka, India Department of Flour Milling, Baking and Confectionary Technology, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, Karnataka, India

Water-soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) were isolated from native and malted rice and ragi. The effects of addition of water-soluble NSP on dough rheological characteristics and baking quality were investigated. Water-soluble NSP had low relative viscosity and showed no gelling activity despite considerable amount of ferulic acid (492.5–528.0 μg/g). However, they were found to stabilize protein foams against thermal disruption. Addition of water-soluble NSP (0.25 and 0.50%) to wheat flour resulted in increased water absorption and decreased dough development time. However, prolonged mixing resulted in slightly lower dough stability. Increase in dough extensibility and improvement in starch pasting characteristics were observed upon the addition of water-soluble NSP. Significant increase in loaf volume and softness of the bread was also observed. Water-soluble NSP both from malted rice and ragi had higher effect compared to the native one. Results showed that water-soluble NSP can be added to various low-fiber food preparations with positive dough functionality.

Food Science and Technology - Volume 40, Issue 10, December 2007, Pages 1678-1686

I nostri prodotti
Interpretiamo il riso come ingrediente, valorizziamo tutti i componenti e ci poniamo come interlocutore privilegiato nel business to business.
Farine di riso
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate, assenza d’impurità
Farine integrali
senza glutine, granulometrie standard e personalizzate
Crusca di riso stabilizzata
crusca di riso senza glutine
Amido di riso
senza glutine, alta viscosità, sapore e colore neutro
Olio di riso
profilo sensoriale neutro, alto punto di fumo
Bevande vegetali
senza glutine, senza lattosio, senza proteine del latte vaccino
Polvere di riso
senza glutine, senza lattosio, solubile
Soffiati e Tostati
La soffiatura e la tostatura sono entrambi processi naturali che non impiegano additivi.
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